Our Company Services
Our Products are designed and built to allow easy maintenance so as to promote Simplicity, Safety and Efficiency.

Co - generation Power Plants
Co-generation plant is a simultaneous production from a single fuel source.

Thermal Power Plants
A thermal power station is a power station in which heat energy is converted to electric power.

Non-Ferrous & Allied Industries
Non-ferrous alloys or metals, on the other hand, do not contain a notable amount of iron.

Food Industries
The food industry is a complex, global collective of diverse businesses that supplies most of the food consumed by the world’s population.

Cement Plants
Cement plants use various bulk material such as lime stone, sand, clay, iron ore, GBS, gypsum to achieve the desired bulk composition . Alternate fuels are also used in parallel.

Integrated Sugar Complex
Sugar Industry is the back bone of rural economy in at least a dozen of states. We are using the latest Technology available to minimize cost of production thereby improving efficiency.

Metallurgical & Mining Process Plants
The metallurgical plants use coal, coke, oil, gas, and electricity (generally coal based) to meet their needs for energy.

Aggregate Crushing & Screening Plants.
Mobile crushing and screening plants can replace stationary crushing systems, which reduce the the operational costs.